A Yoga Mat for Pranayama

oga Mat for Pranayama

20+ Reasons to Throw Your Yoga Mat Away – Reason #16

Do you have a Yoga mat for pranayama? If you knew your yoga mat was bad for your health, would you have bought it? After reading this post and learning the truth about Yoga mats made from synthetic materials will you continue to use them? If so, why?

Most of us have bought a new Yoga mat and had to put it outside to air out before using it. Not with an Authentic Ayurvedic Yoga mat. This simply doesn’t happen in fact, people say they like the natural smell of our Ayurvedic Yoga mats.

No Toxic Chemicals Yoga Mat

Because authentic Ayurveda Yoga mats are made completely of all-natural materials, there are no toxins to off-gas. We simply do not have this problem.

Many of the plastic, foam, PVC, and other synthetic material types of Yoga mats disclaim cancer or birth defect warnings on the marketing wrapper, which gets thrown away before use. We find this to be counterproductive to your practice and quite honestly, alarming if the goal is to better our health through practicing Yoga.

With aura mat™, we will never change our process. There simply is nothing to improve or change to make sales. We won’t do anything to our dye baths to make the colors more attractive, because we understand the energy effect this has on the mat and your aura. Authentic Ayurvedic Yoga mats have been made for thousands of years and we don’t intend to change anything, not one thing. Choose from Vata, Pitta, or Kapha qualities and balance your energetic auric body today.

Stop by www.auramat.com and choose your experience today.

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