Good Karma for everyone involved. (Reason #23) With aura mat, we are here for the right reasons! We were the first to bring “Ayurveda Yoga mats” or “Ayurvedic Yoga Rugs” to the market. We did so with the wholesome heartfelt desire to bring back ancient technologies, to support the artesian craftsmen and women who have […]
Ayurveda is the oldest healing method aimed at providing holistic health to its users. It finds its origin in India, where it was discovered some 3000 years back. Its premise is building a balance between the body, mind, and soul for healing purposes. This branch of medicine focuses more on bringing more sustainable changes in […]
Ayurveda has become a way of life for the people who want to adopt a healthy lifestyle. It is not restricted to healthy food, exercise, and meditation only. Its impact is going deeper and affecting every aspect of our life positively. Clothing is one of the essential requirements, for instance, of a human being that is […]
Get your healthy yoga mat today! aura mat
Ayurveda is a field of science that is more than a thousand years old. Since recent years Ayurveda has become more of a “buzzword.” The area of science, which was developed more than many years ago, is the natural way of promoting health and wellness. There are a few fundamental concepts that can be used […]
The essence of Yoga lies in the idea of being aware. A state of mind achieved by daily practice, awareness of breath is precisely attained through Pranayama. While Prana means “life” & Yama means “control,” both the words together point at “control of breath.” Pranayama directly impacts your nervous system and is advised to practice […]
In Ayurveda, it is believed that the inner balance between Pitta, Vata, and Kapha – the three essential principles of this 5000 years old science – has a significant impact on our lifestyle. Everyone has all these elements for proper functioning. However, creating an appropriate balance between these principles is the main focus of Ayurveda. […]
Ayurveda is also known as the study of three major principles that rule the human body. Each principle has to work together to keep you alive and promote the necessary body functions. Pitta, the second most important principle of Ayurveda, is associated with metabolism and digestion. Any imbalance in Pitta can lead to different types […]
Also known as the Mother of All Healing, Ayurveda is the oldest science of life. Its history dates back to 5000 years ago. Ayurveda focuses on the three major types of functions that are present in all living organisms. Since no English words originate from these three principles, people often use the Sanskrit terms i.e., […]
Ayurveda is the oldest healing method aimed at providing holistic health to its users. It finds its origin in India, where it was discovered some 5,000 years back. Its premise is building a balance between the body, mind, and soul for healing purposes. This branch of medicine focuses more on bringing more sustainable changes in […]